花王 Kao Integrated Report 2022(花王統合レポート2022 英語版)
- 企業名:
- 花王
- 関連カテゴリ:
> 化学
The Kao Integrated Report is designed to communicate our value creation story in an easy-to-understand way for our stakeholders. This report summarizes what we aim to be in the future, the value we will provide to society and information about our finances and ESG activities, including strategies and our management foundation, that we will use to realize these goals. This fiscal year, we are releasing various types of information based on the revised Corporate Governance Code of Japan, and have revised the content we publish based on suggestions from readers. We will continue to improve and expand the Kao Integrated Report through dialogue with our stakeholders, and strive to enhance our contributions to society while driving development and creating corporate value.